IT Solutions for a Data-Centered World

Comprehensive and Innovative IT Solutions Provider
Why Choose Encore?

We live in a data-centric, data-driven world. From financial markets to healthcare to education to retail and services, it is data that matters most. Decisions made every day rely on access to data.  Data needs to be available and secure.  Partner with a company that understands how to securely host and manage your data, while reliably delivering your data to you when and where you need it the most.  Encore offers an entire suite of IT solutions from mobile computing to the desktop to the data center, supporting centralized and work-from-home computing models.  Our solutions are aimed at maximizing our customers’ IT investments and improving overall efficiency and productivity.

A Data-Centered World
The Future of Tomorrow

At Encore, our solutions are built from envisioning a future that reduces complexity and costs by automating and optimizing IT infrastructure. With automation comes greater agility, efficiency, security, and value. In essence, we use our past success and expertise in leading-edge technologies as a foundation to build tomorrow’s solutions today.

The path to innovation begins here.

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The path to innovation begins here.

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